

  1. arXiv
    SPM 25: open source neuroimaging analysis software
    Tim M. Tierney ,  Nicholas A. Alexander ,  Nicole Labra Avila ,  Yael Balbastre ,  Gareth Barnes ,  Yulia Bezsudnova , and 14 more authors
    arXiv, 2025
  2. Nat.Biomed.Eng.
    A generalist model for enhancing brain MRIs
    Yael Balbastre ,  and  Bruce Fischl
    Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2025


  1. arXiv
    Learn2Synth: Learning Optimal Data Synthesis Using Hypergradients
    Xiaoling Hu ,  Oula Puonti ,  Juan Eugenio IglesiasBruce Fischl ,  and  Yael Balbastre
    arXiv, 2024
  2. Imag.Neurosci.
    Synthetic data in generalizable, learning-based neuroimaging
    Karthik Gopinath ,  Andrew Hoopes ,  Daniel C. Alexander ,  Steven E. Arnold ,  Yael Balbastre ,  Benjamin Billot , and 21 more authors
    Imaging Neuroscience, Nov 2024
  3. Cereb.Cortex
    Segmentation of supragranular and infragranular layers in ultra-high resolution 7T ex vivo MRI of the human cerebral cortex
    Xiangrui Zeng ,  Oula Puonti ,  Areej Sayeed ,  Rogeny Herisse ,  Jocelyn Mora ,  Kathryn Evancic , and 17 more authors
    Cerebral Cortex, 2024
  4. arXiv
    Neurovascular Segmentation in sOCT with Deep Learning and Synthetic Training Data
    Etienne CholletYaël Balbastre ,  Chiara Mauri ,  Caroline Magnain ,  Bruce Fischl ,  and  Hui Wang
    arXiv, 2024
  5. MIDL
    A Label-Free and Data-Free Training Strategy for Vasculature Segmentation in serial sectioning OCT Data
    Etienne Chollet ,  Yaël Balbastre ,  Caroline Magnain ,  Bruce Fischl ,  and  Hui Wang
    MIDL, 2024
  6. bioRxiv
    A next-generation, histological atlas of the human brain and its application to automated brain MRI segmentation
    Adrià Casamitjana ,  Matteo Mancini ,  Eleanor Robinson ,  Loïc Peter ,  Roberto Annunziata ,  Juri Althonayan , and 18 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  7. eLife
    Machine learning of dissection photographs and surface scanning for quantitative 3D neuropathology
    Harshvardhan Gazula ,  Henry F. J. Tregidgo ,  Benjamin Billot ,  Yael Balbastre ,  Jonathan William-Ramirez ,  Rogeny Herisse , and 20 more authors
    eLife, 2024
  8. CVPR
    Fully Convolutional Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction for Single-Stack MRI
    Sean I YoungYaël BalbastreBruce Fischl ,  Polina Golland ,  and  Juan Eugenio Iglesias
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , 2024
    Diffeomorphic Multi-resolution Deep Learning Registration for Applications in Breast MRI
    Matthew G. French ,  Gonzalo D. Maso Talou ,  Thiranja P. Babarenda Gamage ,  Martyn P. Nash ,  Poul M. F. Nielsen ,  Anthony J. Doyle , and 3 more authors
    In Computational Biomechanics for Medicine , 2024


  1. Sci.Adv.
    A cellular resolution atlas of Broca’s area
    Irene Costantini ,  Leah Morgan ,  Jiarui YangYael Balbastre ,  Divya Varadarajan ,  Luca Pesce , and 33 more authors
    Science Advances, 2023
  2. Sci.Adv.
    SynthSR: A public AI tool to turn heterogeneous clinical brain scans into high-resolution T1-weighted images for 3D morphometry
    Juan E Iglesias ,  Benjamin Billot ,  Yaël Balbastre ,  Colin Magdamo ,  Steven E Arnold ,  Sudeshna Das , and 4 more authors
    Science advances, 2023


    Learn2Reg: comprehensive multi-task medical image registration challenge, dataset and evaluation in the era of deep learning
    Alessa Hering ,  Lasse Hansen ,  Tony C. W. Mok ,  Albert C. S. Chung ,  Hanna Siebert ,  Stephanie Häger , and 47 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2022
  2. MIUA
    Fitting Segmentation Networks on Varying Image Resolutions Using Splatting
    Mikael BrudforsYaël BalbastreJohn Ashburner ,  Geraint Rees ,  Parashkev Nachev ,  Sébastien Ourselin , and 1 more author
    In Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis , 2022
  3. WBIR
    SuperWarp: Supervised Learning and Warping on U-Net for Invariant Subvoxel-Precise Registration
    Sean I YoungYaël Balbastre ,  Adrian V Dalca ,  William M Wells ,  Juan Eugenio Iglesias ,  and  Bruce Fischl
    In International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration , 2022
  4. MRM
    Correcting inter-scan motion artifacts in quantitative R1 mapping at 7T
    Yaël Balbastre ,  Ali Aghaeifar ,  Nadège Corbin ,  Mikael BrudforsJohn Ashburner ,  and  Martina F Callaghan
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022
    Volumetric characterization of microvasculature in ex vivo human brain samples by serial sectioning optical coherence tomography
    Jiarui Yang ,  Shuaibin Chang ,  Ichun Anderson Chen ,  Sreekanth Kura ,  Grace A. Rosen ,  Nicole A. Saltiel , and 9 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
  6. Front.Neurosci.
    Factorisation-based image labelling
    Yu Yan ,  Yaël BalbastreMikael Brudfors ,  and  John Ashburner
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022


  1. MedIA
    Model-based multi-parameter mapping
    Yaël BalbastreMikael Brudfors ,  Michela Azzarito ,  Christian Lambert ,  Martina F Callaghan ,  and  John Ashburner
    Medical Image Analysis, 2021
  2. MIDL
    An MRF-UNet product of experts for image segmentation
    Mikael BrudforsYaël BalbastreJohn Ashburner ,  Geraint Rees ,  Parashkev Nachev ,  Sébastien Ourselin , and 1 more author
    In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning , 2021
  3. Neuroimage
    Joint super-resolution and synthesis of 1 mm isotropic MP-RAGE volumes from clinical MRI exams with scans of different orientation, resolution and contrast
    Juan Eugenio Iglesias ,  Benjamin Billot ,  Yaël Balbastre ,  Azadeh Tabari ,  John Conklin ,  R. Gilberto González , and 4 more authors
    Neuroimage, 2021
  4. HBM
    Simultaneous voxel-wise analysis of brain and spinal cord morphometry and microstructure within the SPM framework
    Michela Azzarito ,  Sreenath P Kyathanahally ,  Yaël Balbastre ,  Maryam Seif ,  Claudia Blaiotta ,  Martina F Callaghan , and 2 more authors
    Human brain mapping, 2021


  1. JCBFM
    Assessment of simplified methods for quantification of [18F]-DPA-714 using 3D whole-brain TSPO immunohistochemistry in a non-human primate
    Nadja Van Camp ,  Yaël Balbastre* ,  Anne-Sophie Herard* ,  Sonia Lavisse ,  Clovis Tauber ,  Catriona Wimberley , and 8 more authors
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow
    & Metabolism
    , 2020
  2. Cell Metab.
    Impairment of glycolysis-derived l-serine production in astrocytes contributes to cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
    Juliette Le Douce ,  Marianne Maugard ,  Julien Veran ,  Marco Matos ,  Pierrick Jégo* ,  Pierre-Antoine Vigneron* , and 30 more authors
    Cell metabolism, 2020
    Flexible Bayesian modelling for nonlinear image registration
    Mikael BrudforsYaël Balbastre ,  Guillaume Flandin ,  Parashkev Nachev ,  and  John Ashburner
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4–8, 2020, Proceedings, Part III 23 , 2020
    Joint total variation ESTATICS for robust multi-parameter mapping
    Yaël BalbastreMikael Brudfors ,  Michela Azzarito ,  Christian Lambert ,  Martina F Callaghan ,  and  John Ashburner
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4–8, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 23 , 2020
  5. MIUA
    Groupwise Multimodal Image Registration using Joint Total Variation
    Mikael BrudforsYaël Balbastre ,  and  John Ashburner
    In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 24th Annual Conference, MIUA 2020, Oxford, UK, July 15-17, 2020, Proceedings 24 , 2020


  1. Front.Neuroanat.
    Automated individualization of size-varying and touching neurons in macaque cerebral microscopic images
    Zhenzhen You ,  Yaël Balbastre ,  Clément Bouvier ,  Anne-Sophie Hérard ,  Pauline Gipchtein ,  Philippe Hantraye , and 3 more authors
    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2019
  2. arXiv
    A tool for super-resolving multimodal clinical MRI
    Mikael BrudforsYael Balbastre ,  Parashkev Nachev ,  and  John Ashburner
    arXiv, 2019
  3. MedIA
    An algorithm for learning shape and appearance models without annotations
    John AshburnerMikael Brudfors ,  Kevin Bronik ,  and  Yael Balbastre
    Medical image analysis, 2019
    Empirical bayesian mixture models for medical image translation
    Mikael BrudforsJohn Ashburner ,  Parashkev Nachev ,  and  Yaël Balbastre
    In Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging: 4th International Workshop, SASHIMI 2019, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 13, 2019, Proceedings 4 , 2019
  5. IPMI
    Nonlinear Markov random fields learned via backpropagation
    Mikael BrudforsYaël Balbastre ,  and  John Ashburner
    In Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 26th International Conference, IPMI 2019, Hong Kong, China, June 2–7, 2019, Proceedings 26 , 2019


  1. Front.Neurosci.
    Voxel-based statistical analysis of 3D immunostained tissue imaging
    Michel E Vandenberghe ,  Nicolas Souedet ,  Anne-Sophie Hérard ,  Anne-Marie Ayral ,  Florent Letronne ,  Yaël Balbastre , and 6 more authors
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018
  2. Data Br.
    A validation dataset for Macaque brain MRI segmentation
    Yaël Balbastre ,  Denis Rivière ,  Nicolas Souedet ,  Clara Fischer ,  Anne-Sophie Hérard ,  Susannah Williams , and 6 more authors
    Data in Brief, 2018
  3. MIUA
    MRI super-resolution using multi-channel total variation
    Mikael BrudforsYaël Balbastre ,  Parashkev Nachev ,  and  John Ashburner
    In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 22nd Conference, MIUA 2018, Southampton, UK, July 9-11, 2018, Proceedings 22 , 2018
    Diffeomorphic brain shape modelling using Gauss-Newton optimisation
    Yaël BalbastreMikael Brudfors ,  Kevin Bronik ,  and  John Ashburner
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st International Conference, Granada, Spain, September 16-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part I , 2018


  1. Neuroimage
    Primatologist: a modular segmentation pipeline for macaque brain morphometry
    Yaël Balbastre ,  Denis Rivière ,  Nicolas Souedet ,  Clara Fischer ,  Anne-Sophie Hérard ,  Susannah Williams , and 6 more authors
    Neuroimage, 2017


  1. Thesis
    Développement et validation d’outils pour l’analyse morphologique du cerveau de Macaque
    Yaël Balbastre
    Université Paris Saclay (COmUE) , 2016
    Automated cell individualization and counting in cerebral microscopic images
    Zhenzhen You ,  Michel E Vandenberghe ,  Yael Balbastre ,  Nicolas Souedet ,  Philippe Hantraye ,  Caroline Jan , and 2 more authors
    In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , 2016
  3. MICCAI-BrainLes
    A quantitative approach to characterize MR contrasts with histology
    Yaël Balbastre ,  Michel E Vandenberghe ,  Anne-Sophie Hérard ,  Pauline Gipchtein ,  Caroline Jan ,  Anselme L Perrier , and 4 more authors
    In Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries: First International Workshop, Brainles 2015, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2015, Munich, Germany, October 5, 2015, Revised Selected Papers 1 , 2016


    Robust supervised segmentation of neuropathology whole-slide microscopy images
    Michel E Vandenberghe ,  Yaël Balbastre ,  Nicolas Souedet ,  Anne-Sophie Hérard ,  Marc Dhenain ,  Frédérique Frouin , and 1 more author
    In 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) , 2015