This section refers to the main article Scaling tissue probability maps.
Let’s use Matlab’s symblic toolbox to differentiates our objective functions.
Remember that, keeping only terms that depend on the scaling weights, the log-likelihood is:
If we write the sum of labels over all voxels as $\overline{\mathbf{z}} = \sum_{i=1}^I z_i^{(k)} \in \mathbb{R}^K$ and the sum of labels over classes as $\mathbf{s} = \sum_{k=1}^K z_i^{(k)} \in \mathbb{R}^I$, this objective function can be written as:
Here’s a code snippet allowing to “guess” the gradient and Hessian of the objective function with respect to the scaling weights. We write a very basic exemple with 3 classes and 2 voxels.
First, declare the symbolic variables. Note that we take into account $\sum_{k=1}^K z_i^{(k)}$, even though it should usually sum to one.
w = sym('w', [3,1]); % weights
z = sym('z', [3,1]); % sum of binary labels over voxels
m1 = sym('m1', [3,1]); % TPM at the first voxel
m2 = sym('m2', [3,1]); % TPM at the second voxel
syms s1 % sum of all labels at the first voxel
syms s2 % sum of all labels at the second voxel
assume(w, 'positive')
Now, let’s write the negative1 log-likelihood and differentiate:
L = - z.' * log(w) + s1*log(w.'*m1) + s2*log(w.'*m2);
pretty(simplify(diff(L, sym('w1')))) % gradient
z1 m11 s1 m21 s2
- -- + ------------------------ + ------------------------
w1 m11 w1 + m12 w2 + m13 w3 m21 w1 + m22 w2 + m23 w3
pretty(simplify(diff(L, sym('w1'), sym('w1')))) % Hessian (diagonal)
2 2
z1 m11 s1 m21 s2
--- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------
2 2 2
w1 (m11 w1 + m12 w2 + m13 w3) (m21 w1 + m22 w2 + m23 w3)
pretty(simplify(diff(L, sym('w1'), sym('w2')))) % Hessian (off-diagonal)
m11 m12 s1 m21 m22 s2
- --------------------------- - ---------------------------
2 2
(m11 w1 + m12 w2 + m13 w3) (m21 w1 + m22 w2 + m23 w3)
We guess that the gradient can be written as:
and the Hessian as:
Let us check that with the symbolic toolbox. The equivalent Matlab code is:
g = -z./w + s1*m1/(m1.'*w) + s2*m2/(m2.'*w);
H = diag(z./(w.^2)) - s1*(m1*m1.')/(m1.'*w)^2 - s2*(m2*m2.')/(m2.'*w)^2;
And if we compare with the automatic differentiation:
check_g1 = simplify(g(1) - diff(L, sym('w1')), 1000)
check_g1 =
check_h11 = simplify(H(1,1) - diff(L, sym('w1'), sym('w1')), 1000)
check_h11 =
check_h12 = simplify(H(1,2) - diff(L, sym('w1'), sym('w2')), 1000)
check_h12 =
You could ask if a closed form solution to $\mathbf{g} = \mathbf{0}$ exists, which would make the Hessian unneeded. Let us try to find a solution with the symbolic toolbox:
solve(g, w)
ans =
struct with fields:
w1: [0×1 sym]
w2: [0×1 sym]
w3: [0×1 sym]
Even in this very simple case, we cannot find a solution in closed form. As explained before, two solutions exist, either by keeping the denominator fixed, or by using a numerical optimisation procedure such as Gauss-Newton.
Created by Yaël Balbastre on 27 March 2018. Last edited on 29 March 2018.
We use the negative log-likelihood so that the optimisation problem is a minimisation problem. Both are equivalent: we place ourselves in a minimisation framework by convention. ↩